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Bias Weaving on a Regular Weavette Loom

Jana from recently mentioned on Ravelry that she found some vintage instructions for weaving a bias triangle on a regular weavette and my curiosity had to be assuaged so I sat down with my little 4 inch loom to see if I could figure out how to do it.
First I made a bias woven square so that I could see the effect that the missing pins on a regular weavette have on the finished look of the piece.

Bias Square Woven on a Regular Weavette Loom

Answer: None at all. No wonder Weave-It bias looms didn’t sell well, if you had a regular weavette you didn’t need one 😛

The weaving technique for the triangle was the easiest part to figure out as you can find several excellent sets of instructions by googling instructions for weaving on a triangle loom.

On a triangle loom, the hypotenuse of the triangle (the long edge) is supported by a row of nails so it can’t be pulled too tight. However, on a weavette the edge is completely unsupported.

The trick to keeping the unsupported edge neat is to place a spare weaving needle across the loom and weave around it.

The selvage can’t pull in and you’re left with a lovely neat edge.

Continuous woven triangle made on a weavette loom

Now that my curiosity is satisfied I can get on with my Christmas knitting!

Posted in Weaving