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The Spider Web Flower Loom Join

The spider web join is similar to the small flower join but it is used to join flowers with only twelve petals, rather than twenty four.

I’m using 3½” flowers made on the Studio Twelve Multi-Fleur loom, fingering weight yarn and a 2.5mm crochet hook for this tutorial.

You can use this method to join flowers of any size, with any yarn. Just change the number of chains worked to suit your project. The number of chains worked should always be an odd number.

Begin by making your flowers (Click for instructions for winding the flower, and making the stem stitch centre). I have worked three rounds on both the large and small flowers.

First round of all flowers

*slip stitch into a petal, chain 7; repeat from * for each petal

Join to the beginning of the round with a slip stitch.

Round 2

Slip stitch into the back of the first three chain.

(This photo is from a different tutorial but it shows the step correctly).

** slip stitch into the loop created by the chain stitches.
Chain 9; repeat from ** once more
join to the next petal with a slip stitch,

chain 17,

join to the next petal with a slip stitch.

Keep working two short loops followed by a long loop until you have worked all the way around.

Join to the beginning of the round with a slip stitch.

Join with this motif
Join with this motif Join with this motif
Join with this motif
You can join your motifs in any order.

For a travelling project you might like to complete half your motifs and then join them as you work the remaining half like this (you can join as many motifs as you like, I just like to use 9 for my samples).

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to join them in rows so you can see the basic idea.

Complete your second motif as you did for the first one, up until **

slip stitch into the loop created by the chain stitches.

You’ll now join two small loops on your second motif to two small loops on the first one.

Chain four

join with a slip stitch into a small loop on your first motif
chain four and join with a slip stitch into the next loop of your second motif.
Repeat for the second loop.
Chain 8, slip stitch into the large loop on the first motif, chain 8 and slip stitch into the next loop on the second motif.


Work two small loops, one large loop as you did for the first motif all the way around. Join to the beginning of the round with a slip stitch.

Note that you don’t join the last loop of the second motif to the first motif yet. This is done later when you join the second row.

Continue adding as many flowers as you want to your first row.

The second row

Join the first motif of the second row in the same way as the first row. Join to the the motif on the right hand side of the row, beginning at the loop marked with an arrow in the photograph.

Note that the large loops in the centre are still not joined together. They’ll be joined when you add the next motif.

Beginning at the same point on the next motif, join the two small loops as before.

Chain 8, and put your hook through all three large loops, slip stitch, chain 8 and slip stitch to the next loop on the motif you are adding.

Join the next two small loops to the first motif of the second row, then continue around without joining any more loops.

Add the rest of your row in the same way as the second motif, making sure to join the two large loops at the edge of the motif on the far left.

Add as many rows as you desire, joining the large loops at the top of the very last row.

Here is my sample after a light blocking.

Copyright Sarah Bradberry, March 11th 2011. All rights reserved.