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Two Colour Petals on Loomed Flowers

Loomed flowers with two color petals

Multicoloured petals are fun to work and look really sweet made in ice cream colours.

Winding a flower on a loom Wind your first colour over every second pin. Make as many rounds as you want in your finished flower. Cut your yarn, leaving a tail that’s long enough to work your centre.
Winding a flower on a loom Wind the second colour on the empty pegs. Make the same number of rounds as you did for your first colour. Cut your yarn, leaving a long enough tail to darn into the back of your flower.
Winding a flower on a loom Stitch the centre using the technique of your choice. This flower has a back stitch centre.

Pop your flower off the loom and darn the loose ends into the back.

Copyright Sarah Bradberry April 2007. All rights reserved.